Is one of your 2024 business goals to expand into new countries but the challenges with cross-border selling are holding you back?

Currency and payment issues, product listing translations, cross-border fees, exposure in different markets, the list goes on.

Fruugo are a global marketplace that makes it as easy for retailers to sell cross-border as it is for them to sell domestic. 96% of all Fruugo transactions last year were cross-border. That’s set against a global e-commerce average of 25%. Fruugo enables you to list your products in over 40 countries at no cost, and they translate your content into up to 28 different languages.

Check out the video above to find out how Fruugo can make cross-border selling easy for your business.

In this video we cover:

  • How cross-border selling works with Fruugo
  • Top tips and best practices for selling on Fruugo
  • How to gain maximum exposure with your Fruugo listings
  • How the Linnworks & Fruugo integration works

Still have questions about Fruugo after watching the video or want to find out more? Click here for a member of the team to follow up with you.