How to Start an Online Clothing Store: 7 Steps to Success in 2023

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Starting an online business in the world of fashion can be a fun and rewarding venture, but it’s not as simple as setting up a website and watching the money roll in.

It takes planning, dedication, and a solid business model to build a successful online boutique.

At the same time, it’s still vastly easier than opening a brick-and-mortar store – building an ecommerce clothing business is accessible to anyone with a laptop and an internet connection.

We’re here to help you navigate the world of online fashion and start selling clothes online like a pro.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the 8 essential steps to starting your own online clothing store in 2023.

From niche selection and design creation to manufacturing methods and marketing strategies, we’ll cover everything you need to know to launch your online boutique and make a splash in the fashion industry.

Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Define your niche and target audience

Importance of finding a specific passion or interest

Choosing a niche helps you concentrate on a particular segment of the market, allowing you to specialize in specific products or styles.

This approach not only increases your chances of standing out but also helps you cater to a loyal customer base.

Finding a niche is crucial when starting an online clothing store, as it allows you to stand out in a competitive market and cater to a specific audience.

Since certain niches of clothing have different audiences, your niche will largely define your brand identity.

For example: if you want to sell baby clothes, your audience will be much different than if you’re selling streetwear-style hoodies.

To find the perfect niche, consider your passions, interests, and knowledge.

It’s important to choose a niche that you genuinely care about, as it will make running your business more enjoyable and make it easier to connect with your target audience.

Examples of niches in the clothing industry

Your online clothing business has a much higher chance of success if you “niche down” into a particular sub-category of clothing.

Some examples of popular niches in the clothing industry include:

  • Sustainable and eco-friendly fashion
  • Activewear and athleisure
  • Plus-size clothing
  • Vintage and thrift fashion
  • Streetwear
  • Customizable apparel

Take the time to research potential niches and determine which one aligns with your interests and goals.

When conducting niche research, consider the following strategies:

Analyze competitors on Etsy

Etsy is a platform known for its unique and niche products. By checking out the competition on Etsy, you can gain insights into popular niches and identify potential gaps in the market.

To do this, browse through the top-selling stores and categories to see which niches are performing well, and look for opportunities to create a unique spin on a popular niche or target an underserved audience.

Conduct keyword research on marketplace platforms

Keyword research is an effective way to identify popular niches and understand the demand for specific products.

You can perform keyword research on platforms like Amazon and Etsy by using their search bars and autocomplete features.

Type in keywords related to your niche idea and see what other suggestions appear in the search bar.

This will give you an idea of what customers are searching for and help you determine the potential demand for your niche.

keyword research on etsy

Additionally, you can use third-party tools like Jungle Scout or Helium 10 for more in-depth keyword research on Amazon.

These tools can provide valuable data on search volume, competition, and sales trends, allowing you to make more informed decisions about your niche.

Leverage social media and online forums

Social media platforms and online forums are excellent resources for discovering niche ideas and understanding the interests and preferences of potential customers.

Browse through Facebook groups, Instagram hashtags, Pinterest boards, and Reddit communities related to your niche to identify popular trends and see what people are talking about.

This will not only give you insights into potential niches but also help you understand the needs and desires of your target audience.

Keep an eye on industry trends

Staying updated on industry trends can help you identify emerging niches and capitalize on new opportunities.

Subscribe to industry newsletters, follow fashion influencers on social media, and attend trade shows and industry events to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the fashion industry.

By utilizing these lesser-known research strategies, you’ll be well-equipped to find a unique and profitable niche for your online clothing store.

Once you’ve identified your niche, you can move on to the next step: creating a catchy brand name and logo.

Step 2: Create your designs

Once you’ve chosen a niche, it’s time to create unique and appealing designs for your clothing line.

And in 2023, there’s never been a simpler way to source clothing designs to sell online.

Tools and software for design creation

If you’ve got a vision for design, there is no shortage of tools available for creating stunning visuals for your clothing line, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and Procreate.

There are even free or very cheap alternatives to these industry standard programs like Photopea (a free, browser-based Photoshop clone) and Affinity Designer (a much cheaper alternative to Illustrator).

Each tool offers a range of features to help you bring your ideas to life. Research which software best suits your needs and skill level, and consider investing in a subscription if necessary.

Learning design skills through tutorials

Even if you’re not a professional designer, learning design skills can be a valuable asset in the clothing industry.

This is especially relevant for communicating your vision to a professional designer and being able to “speak the language” of aesthetics.

Watch online tutorials, attend workshops, or take design courses to build your skills and increase the quality of your clothing line.

Platforms like YouTube, Skillshare, and Udemy offer a wide range of design tutorials and courses for various skill levels.

By dedicating time to learning and improving your design skills, you’ll be able to create more captivating and professional designs for your online clothing store.

Using AI art-generating apps like Midjourney

In recent years, AI-generated art has become increasingly popular for creating unique designs.

Apps like Midjourney connect with Discord, allowing users to input prompts for specific image creation.

This technology can be an innovative way to develop eye-catching designs for your clothing line.

Keep in mind that it’s essential to choose simple prompts with no complex backgrounds, as this increases the likelihood of successful designs.

Once you receive your AI-generated image, you can use free apps like Photopea or PhotoRoom to fix up and remove backgrounds from the images, ensuring they are ready for print.

Check out how this YouTuber started a profitable Etsy shop using designs created almost completely by AI tools:

By combining design software, tutorials, and innovative AI-generated art, you’ll be well-equipped to create unique and captivating designs for your online clothing store.

Step 3: Select a manufacturing method

After finalizing your designs, you’ll need to decide on a manufacturing method.

Your options include print-on-demand services, working directly with manufacturers, or even producing the clothing yourself. Each method comes with its own set of advantages and challenges.

Print-on-demand services

Print-on-demand (POD) services, such as Printful and Printify, allow you to create and sell custom clothing products without the need for inventory or manufacturing costs.

These services handle printing, packing, and shipping, allowing you to focus on marketing and growing your business.

Print-on-demand is an excellent choice for new online clothing store owners who want to test the market with minimal upfront investment.

There are several print-on-demand providers available, each with its own unique features and benefits. Some popular print-on-demand services include:

  1. Printful: Printful is a popular print-on-demand service that offers a wide range of customizable products, including clothing, accessories, and home decor. They handle everything from printing to shipping, allowing you to focus on marketing and growing your business.
  2. Printify: Printify is another well-known print-on-demand platform that offers an extensive catalog of customizable products. With a user-friendly interface, it’s easy to create and manage your products, and Printify also handles the printing, packing, and shipping for you.
  3. Gooten: Gooten is a print-on-demand service that focuses on providing high-quality products and excellent customer support. They offer a wide range of customizable products and have a global network of production partners to ensure fast and reliable shipping.
  4. Teespring: Teespring is a platform that specializes in custom apparel, offering various clothing items, including t-shirts, hoodies, and leggings. They provide a simple design interface and take care of the production and shipping for you.

To help you get started with print-on-demand, here are some beginner’s resources:

By exploring these resources and familiarizing yourself with the various print-on-demand providers, you can find the best platform for your online clothing store and start selling custom products with minimal upfront investment.

Finding reliable manufacturers

If you prefer working directly with manufacturers, platforms like Alibaba and Global Sources can help you find suppliers for your clothing line.

Be prepared to invest time and effort into the trial and error process, as finding a reliable manufacturer can be challenging.

Working directly with manufacturers may offer better profit margins and more control over the production process but often requires a more significant initial investment.

When searching for manufacturers, consider factors such as minimum order quantities, production lead times, and shipping costs.

It’s also essential to communicate your expectations and requirements clearly to ensure a successful partnership.

Producing the clothing yourself

For those with sewing and production skills, producing the clothing yourself may be a viable option.

This method allows for complete control over the production process and can result in unique, handmade products that stand out from the competition.

This is exactly what Ashleigh Kiser did with her brand Sewrella, which features hand-crocheted clothing and accessories.

She has not only grown her ecommerce business into a 6-figure enterprise but has built an entire brand and course series around her signature “Sewrella method” for crocheting.

This method is significantly more challenging to scale, however, and requires you to have some expertise as a seamstress (or learn the skills to become one).

Sampling products and working with sponsors

Before committing to a manufacturing method or supplier, it’s crucial to review and test samples of the products you plan to sell.

Request samples from manufacturers, and consider reaching out to sponsors for assistance if necessary.

This step ensures the quality of your products and helps you make informed decisions about your clothing line.

Sampling products also provides an opportunity to evaluate the fit, feel, and overall quality of the garments.

It’s essential to work closely with manufacturers or suppliers to address any issues or concerns, ensuring that the final product meets your expectations.

By carefully considering your manufacturing options and thoroughly testing product samples, you can select the best method for producing your online clothing store’s products.

This step is vital for ensuring your clothing line’s success and delivering high-quality products to your customers.

Step 4: Build your online store

With your niche, designs, and manufacturing method in place, the next step is to create a user-friendly online store for your customers.

This is where you’ll showcase your online clothing brand, giving potential buyers a seamless shopping experience and allowing you to manage your clothing business online with ease.

Choosing an ecommerce platform

Popular ecommerce platforms like Wix, Shopify, and Squarespace offer a variety of features and tools to help you create an out-of-the-box ecommerce website with pretty much zero technical expertise required.

Each platform has its own pricing plans and unique offerings, so research and compare your options before making a decision.

Related post: How Does Shopify Work for Ecommerce in 2023? [The Ultimate Guide]

Purchasing a domain name

Your domain name should reflect your brand and be easy to remember.

Platforms like GoDaddy and NameCheap allow you to search for available domain names and purchase them for your website.

Integrating with print-on-demand services

If you’ve chosen to use a print-on-demand service, ensure that your chosen ecommerce platform integrates seamlessly with the service.

For what it’s worth, all modern ecommerce platforms integrate with pretty much all modern print-on-demand providers.

(We’ll talk more about print-on-demand services as a manufacturing method later in this post, as well as why integrations are so important.)

This integration will allow for smooth order processing and fulfillment, ensuring a positive experience for your customers.

Step 5: Develop a pricing strategy and calculate profit margins

Pricing your products appropriately is essential for the success of your online clothing store.

Consider manufacturing costs, shipping fees, and taxes when determining the pricing for each product, and focus on profit margins to ensure profitability.

Accounting for costs

To develop a pricing strategy, you’ll need to account for various costs, including:

  • Manufacturing costs
  • Shipping fees
  • Taxes
  • Platform fees (if using an ecommerce platform)

Ensure that your pricing covers these costs while still providing room for profit.

Calculating profit margins

Aim for a healthy profit margin to ensure the sustainability and growth of your business.

Keep in mind that the clothing industry can be competitive, so set your prices at a level that allows you to maintain profitability without pricing yourself out of the market.

Step 6: Market your online clothing store

Marketing is a crucial aspect of running a successful online clothing store.

Utilize various channels, including social media, email marketing, and influencer partnerships, to promote your brand and reach your target audience.

Organic marketing on social media platforms

Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts offer opportunities for organic marketing.

Create engaging content that showcases your products and appeals to your target audience, and use these platforms to build a loyal following.

Email and SMS marketing

Email and SMS marketing are effective ways to reach your customers directly and inform them of new products, sales, and promotions.

Collect email addresses and phone numbers through pop-ups on your website, and use a marketing platform to send targeted messages and campaigns.

Collaborating with influencers

Partnering with influencers who align with your brand and appeal to your target audience can help increase visibility and drive sales.

Reach out to influencers in your niche and propose collaborations, such as sponsored posts, giveaways, or affiliate partnerships.

Related post: Ecommerce Marketing Ideas: Boost Your Sales For 2022

Step 7: Manage inventory, packaging, and shipping

Whether you’re using a print-on-demand service or handling inventory yourself, it’s essential to manage packaging and shipping effectively.

Packaging materials

Invest in appropriate packaging materials, such as poly mailers or branded boxes, to ensure your products arrive safely and professionally.

You can purchase these materials from various suppliers, including Amazon.

Shipping options

Offering multiple shipping options can improve the customer experience and increase conversions.

Research various shipping carriers and their rates, and consider offering expedited shipping for an additional fee.

Inventory management

If you’re managing your own inventory, implement an effective system for tracking stock levels and fulfilling orders.

Utilize software tools or platforms, such as Linnworks, to streamline inventory management and prevent stockouts or overselling.

Interested in learning more? Schedule a live demo of Linnworks or visit the features page to dig deeper.

FAQs about starting your own online clothing store

Do you need a business license to sell clothes online?

While requirements may vary depending on your location, it’s generally a good idea to obtain a business license when starting an online clothing store.

A business license legitimizes your store, provides tax benefits, and may be required by your local government or ecommerce platform.

Check your local and regional regulations to determine the specific licensing and permits required for your online clothing business.

What are some examples of excellent ecommerce stores for clothes?

There are many successful online clothing stores that you can look to for inspiration when starting your own business. Here are a few examples of thriving online boutiques that have effectively established their brand and online presence:

  1. ASOS – A leading global online fashion retailer, offering a wide range of clothing, accessories, and beauty products.
  2. Fashion Nova – A popular online fashion store known for its trendy and affordable clothing.
  3. Nasty Gal – A clothing brand offering edgy, fashion-forward styles for young women.
  4. Everlane – A sustainable fashion brand focused on transparency and ethical production.

Examine the website design, product offerings, marketing strategies, and customer experience of these stores to gain valuable insights for your own online clothing business.

How can I draw online shoppers to my online clothing business?

Attracting customers to your online clothing store requires a combination of marketing efforts and a strong online presence. Here are some strategies to help draw online shoppers to your business:

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Optimize your website content, product descriptions, and metadata to improve your search engine rankings and increase organic traffic.
  2. Social Media Marketing – Utilize social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and TikTok to showcase your products and engage with potential customers.
  3. Email Marketing – Build an email list and send regular newsletters to keep subscribers informed about new products, promotions, and sales.
  4. Influencer Marketing – Partner with influencers in your niche to showcase your clothing and reach new audiences.
  5. Content Marketing – Create engaging blog posts, videos, and other content to provide value to your audience, establish your brand as an industry expert, and drive traffic to your store.
  6. Paid Advertising – Run targeted ads on platforms like Google Ads, Facebook, and Instagram to reach potential customers who are interested in your products.

By implementing a combination of these strategies, you can effectively draw online shoppers to your online clothing business and increase sales.

Final thoughts

And that’s it! By following these 7 steps, you’ll be well-prepared to start your own online clothing store in 2023.

As you embark on this exciting journey, keep in mind that perseverance, adaptability, and a deep understanding of your target audience are essential for success.

Stay focused on your vision, stay engaged with your customers, and never stop learning and improving.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to grow and scale your ecommerce business, check out these related posts next:

  1. Scaling your Ecommerce Business with Marketing Automation
  2. How To Attract New Customers For Your Ecommerce Business
  3. How To Convert Customers When They Land On A Sold-Out Product Page