How Glamour Beauty Center saves thousands per month thanks to SkuVault Core

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Glamour Beauty Center is an online retailer who provides hairdressers and beauty professionals access to high-quality, professional-grade hair care products from the world’s leading brands. Found in Los Angeles in 2012, Glamour Beauty Center focuses on the latest innovations and products from the best manufacturers.

We caught up with CEO, Mike Melamed, to find out more about their ecommerce journey and how SkuVault Core has impacted their operations — for the better. 

Painful overselling and missed opportunities

“The number one problem was controlling inventory — and overselling,” explains Mike Melamed, CEO of Glamour Beauty Center. He continues, “That’s why we were looking for a program that would be able to keep everything up to date.”

Melamed explores further, “A lot of times, we knew we bought something — and even had like 20 or 30 pieces in QuickBooks — but for some reason we couldn’t find it in the warehouse.” The result was order cancellations — and lost revenue. 

These cancellations were costing Glamour Beauty Center as much as 5-6% of their daily order volume. Melamed confirms, “We would cancel orders like maybe 10 to 20 orders a day, and our average is 350 to 400 orders a day, so it was a decent percentage of our daily orders that were being lost.” 

The dollar value of these cancellations was staggering. Melamed explains, “I will say between all of the issues — and canceling orders — we were losing between two to three thousand dollars a month.” 

Risking a hard-earned reputation 

Reputation — both with customers and marketplaces — was another significant cost in this scenario. 

Melamed explains, “When we were overselling, we had to call the customers and cancel it. First of all, it was ruining our reputation as “why are you selling something that you don’t have?” And then we were getting penalized by Amazon for canceling the customer’s orders. In the end, we actually had to end up hiring somebody to specifically take care of overselling issues.”  

Saving vital resources with SkuVault Core 

Glamour Beauty Center recognized the urgent need for change — and decided to implement SkuVault Core to manage their inventory and warehouse processes. “We looked at a lot of programs and we wanted to be able to update the website as fast as possible and be able to know where every item in our warehouse was.” Melamed confirms. 

The impact of SkuVault Core has been significant, as Melamed describes, “Thanks to SkuVault Core, we know exactly what inventory we have and what we need to order.” 

He continues, “We also know exactly where all the products are, and so if somebody says, “we have 30 of them” we know where the 30 pieces are in the warehouse.” These efficiencies save precious time, and also remove the scope for human error during inventory management and fulfillment processes. 

“Thanks to SkuVault Core, we know exactly what inventory we have and what we need to order.”

Melamed explains, “SkuVault Core makes our operation smoother and with less headaches.” 

Total confidence in inventory management 

SkuVault Core also gives Glamour Beauty Center the confidence that their stock is being managed correctly — and removes any risk of theft. Melamed explains, “One of the things that we love about SkuVault Core is that our team can’t make any mistakes. Nobody can steal anything. And nobody can do anything that isn’t “by the book”, because we have a clear record of it.”

“SkuVault Core makes our operation smoother and with less headaches.” 

He concludes, “Am I happy with your software? One thousand percent. It’s unbelievable.” 

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