4 benefits of inventory management in supply chain

Navigating the complexities of supply chain management is no small feat. 

As supply chain managers, you’re consistently juggling multiple facets to ensure operations run like a well-oiled machine. 

At the heart of this intricate juggling act? Inventory management. 

It’s not just about numbers and stock levels; it’s about ensuring efficiency, meeting demand, and paving the way for growth. 

We’re going to take a deep dive into the essential role of inventory management, explore the risks of overlooking its significance, and share strategies to help you master it. 

So, whether you’re well-versed in SCM (Supply Chain Management) or just starting to grasp its nuances, we’ve got insights that promise to deliver real value.

The role of inventory management in supply chain management (SCM)

Inventory management is not just a cog in the supply chain machinery; it’s a critical gear that ensures the entire mechanism runs seamlessly. 

It is the crucial discipline of balancing supply with demand, ensuring that businesses are neither overstocked nor understocked but are ‘just right.’

But why is this balance so imperative in supply chain inventory management? Because, in a dynamic business landscape, even minor inventory management miscalculations can cause ripples that disrupt the entire supply chain. 

Overstocking can tie up valuable capital and increase holding costs while understocking can lead to missed sales opportunities, tarnishing brand reputation.

The role of inventory management within supply chain inventory management goes beyond stock levels. It’s instrumental in facilitating clear communication between manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. It aids in making informed procurement decisions, determining optimal storage locations, and aligning production schedules with market demand. 

Alongside this, effective inventory management systems help businesses anticipate and respond to market changes, ensuring they can pivot when disruptions occur, whether that’s a global pandemic, a shipping delay, or a sudden surge in demand.

In the complex realm of supply chain management, inventory management stands as a foundational pillar, ensuring stability and cohesion throughout the system. It acts as a stabilizer, ensuring that every other SCM process – from procurement to distribution – is informed, agile, and ready to meet the dynamic needs of the modern market. 

Through strategic inventory management, businesses can not only reduce operational costs but also enhance customer satisfaction, fostering brand loyalty and driving growth. 

Simply put, without a strong handle on inventory management, even the most robust supply chains can falter.

Inventory management risks for supply chain executives

Navigating supply chain intricacies is challenging, and lapses in inventory management can lead to unforeseen complications. 

Here are some potential repercussions that underscore the significance of diligent inventory control:

  • Poor inventory forecasting: while there’s no such thing as perfect forecasting, consistent inaccuracies can strain budgets and warehouse capacities. Overestimating leads to high holding costs and potential obsolescence while underestimating might result in missed sales opportunities and unsatisfied customers
  • Excessive safety stock: holding too much safety stock ties up capital that could be allocated elsewhere. While it’s prudent to have a buffer, overdoing it can lead to increased storage costs and potential waste, especially for perishable items
  • Inadequate supplier communication: lack of transparency and coordination with suppliers can result in supply chain bottlenecks. When inventory management systems levels are not communicated effectively, it might lead to unexpected stockouts or overstock situations, disturbing the supply-demand balance – plus, reducing stock-outs and overstocks can lower inventory costs by as much as 10%
  • Inefficient warehouse management: poor inventory control often translates to disorganized warehouses. Misplaced items, inefficient picking routes, or lack of space optimization can increase operational costs and delay order processing
  • Failure in demand planning: not understanding or anticipating market demand can be detrimental. Understocking can lead to lost sales, while overstocking can cause markdowns, both affecting profitability.

Meticulous inventory management is more than just counting stock. It’s about creating a cohesive supply chain, anticipating challenges, and leveraging opportunities to optimize operations and enhance customer satisfaction.

Key elements of effective inventory management for SCM

Effective inventory management isn’t a single action, but a blend of interconnected processes. 

These processes harmonize to drive supply chain inventory management efficiency and robustness. Delving deeper, here are four fundamental elements that craft a resilient and adaptive inventory management systems strategy within SCM.

Inventory optimization

At the heart of inventory management lies the challenge of striking a balance – ensuring there’s never too much or too little stock. 

Inventory optimization revolves around smart decision-making to maintain this equilibrium. It involves tools and inventory management techniques to determine the optimal stock levels, considering various factors like historical sales data, seasonal trends, raw materials, and market dynamics. 

The objective is clear: minimize carrying costs and prevent stockouts. Advanced analytics and predictive modeling play a significant role here, helping businesses forecast customer demand accurately and make procurement decisions proactively.

Warehouse management

The warehouse is where the inventory visibility action happens. 

Effective warehouse management ensures that products are stored, retrieved, and dispatched efficiently. This encompasses everything from the physical layout of the warehouse to the inventory management software tools employed. 

The goal is to reduce lead times, minimize errors, and maximize space utilization. With the advent of technologies like IoT and AI, warehouse management systems (WMS) have evolved, offering real-time tracking, automated sorting, and even robotics-assisted picking. 

The warehouse, in essence, becomes a dynamic hub, responsive to the changing demands of the supply chain inventory management system.

Shipping management

Once inventory is ready to move, shipping management takes center stage. 

It’s not just about getting products from point A to point B. It’s about doing so cost-effectively, reliably, and swiftly. Key aspects include selecting optimal shipping methods, managing relationships with carriers, and ensuring timely and accurate deliveries. 

In a world where customers have grown accustomed to fast shipping and real-time tracking, mastering shipping management is critical to maintaining a competitive edge. 

Integrating technologies for route optimization, real-time tracking, and efficient returns management can significantly enhance this facet of SCM.

Demand planning

Understanding and predicting customer demand is a cornerstone of effective inventory management. 

Demand planning amalgamates historical sales data, market intelligence, raw materials forecast,s and predictive analytics to forecast future product demand. This proactive approach allows businesses to adjust their production schedules, procurement strategies, and distribution plans. 

It not only helps in preventing stockouts but also ensures that capital isn’t unnecessarily tied up in excessive inventory. In today’s volatile market, where trends can shift rapidly, agile demand planning is vital for SCM success.

The synchronization of these elements is pivotal to crafting an inventory management system that’s both resilient and adaptive. 

As the supply chain landscape continues to evolve, mastering these facets ensures businesses stay ahead of the curve, optimizing operations and meeting customer demands with precision.

What are some inventory management strategies for SCM?

As we’ve mentioned, inventory management is both an art and a science. And just like any craft, it requires a combination of strategies to execute it flawlessly. 

Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of inventory management for SCM, and uncover some of the most effective strategies that can shape a robust and efficient inventory management system…

Demand forecasting

Understanding future customer demand is paramount in the world of inventory management. 

Demand forecasting goes beyond merely looking at historical sales data; it encompasses a holistic view of various factors, including market trends, seasonality, promotional activities, and even macroeconomic indicators. 

The aim? To predict with reasonable accuracy the quantity of products or services customers will seek in the future. 

Accurate forecasting allows businesses to maintain the right inventory levels, ensuring they can meet customer demand without the burden of overstock. 

With advancements in machine learning and big data analytics, demand forecasting tools have become even more precise, helping businesses navigate the ever-fluctuating market dynamics.

In fact, data from McKinsey and Co shows businesses that have invested in machine learning to manage demand forecasting have achieved 90% accuracy with a three-month lag compared to manual forecasting, amounting to only 60% accuracy.

Safety stock

Think of safety stock as insurance against uncertainties in both demand and supply. 

It’s the extra inventory held to guard against stockouts. Calculating the right amount of safety stock requires a delicate balance. Too little, and you risk stockouts and missed sales opportunities. Too much, and you increase holding costs and potentially waste resources such as raw materials. 

The key is to consider factors like lead time variability, demand fluctuations, and supplier reliability when determining your safety stock levels.

Just-in-Time (JIT) inventory

Originating from the Japanese manufacturing industry, JIT inventory management system is all about efficiency and minimizing waste. 

The strategy involves holding inventory only when there’s demand, eliminating unnecessary stock-holding costs, and reducing waste from unsold goods. It requires a tight-knit relationship with suppliers, as goods are ordered just in time for production or sale. 

While JIT can significantly reduce inventory costs, it also demands accurate forecasting and reliable suppliers to prevent potential stockouts.

ABC analysis

The ABC analysis strategy categorizes inventory based on its importance. Typically:

  • A items are high-value products with low sales frequency
  • B items are medium value with medium sales frequency
  • C items are low-value but have a high sales frequency

By identifying which category each item falls into, businesses can allocate resources and focus their attention more effectively. High-value ‘A’ items might require stricter inventory control, while ‘C’ items might have more relaxed oversight.

Cycle counting

Instead of conducting a complete inventory count at year-end (which can be disruptive and resource-intensive), cycle counting involves regularly scheduled counts of specific items.

This ongoing approach helps in identifying discrepancies early on, ensuring inventory records are accurate and up-to-date. Regular cycle counting can enhance order accuracy, reduce the need for large-scale physical counts, and improve overall inventory management efficiency.

Supplier relationship management

Inventory management isn’t just about what’s on your shelves; it’s about fostering strong, collaborative relationships with those who put it there. 

Effective supplier relationship management involves nurturing strategic relationships with key suppliers, ensuring open communication, negotiating favorable terms, and collaboratively solving supply chain hiccups. 

Strong supplier partnerships can lead to reduced lead times, volume discounts, and priority treatment, which, in turn, can enhance inventory efficiency.


In the digital age, technology is the linchpin that holds the entire inventory management system framework together. 

72% of retailers plan to reinvent their supply chain with real-time visibility enabled by automation, sensors, and analytics. The benefits of inventory management extend beyond mere stock tracking. Integrated inventory management systems provide these real-time insights, automation capabilities, and predictive analytics.

From RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tracking and IoT-enabled smart shelves to AI-driven demand forecasting tools, technology is revolutionizing how businesses approach inventory management. 

Alongside this, 45% of supply chains are expected to be mostly autonomous by 2035. Driverless forklifts, robots in warehouses, and delivery drones are already being adopted into supply chains and will become commonplace in the not-so-distant future.

Embracing these tech advancements can streamline operations, reduce human error, and provide valuable data-driven insights to inform decision-making.

The right combination of these strategies, tailored to a business’s unique needs and challenges, can elevate inventory management from a logistical necessity to a strategic asset. 

As supply chain dynamics continue to evolve, these strategies will be instrumental in helping businesses stay agile, efficient, and customer-centric.

How Linnworks can level up your supply chain management strategy

In the vast sea of supply chain management, having a robust and flexible system is vital.

Enter Linnworks – a tool designed with precision, scalability, and adaptability in mind, ensuring that businesses always have an edge in inventory management. 

Let’s take a look at three key components of Linnworks that can propel your SCM strategy to new heights.

Stock forecasting

Predicting stock requirements is a nuanced affair, balancing past patterns, present dynamics, and future predictions. 

Linnworks elevates this task by employing advanced algorithms, streamlining the stock forecasting process, and ensuring businesses stay a step ahead of their demands. 

With Linnworks, you can be confident in your stock levels, knowing they’re based on reliable data and sophisticated analytics. This ensures minimal stockouts, reduced overstocking, and a smoother supply chain flow.

Inventory optimization

Linnworks isn’t just an inventory tool; it’s an inventory powerhouse. 

The platform comes packed with features that promise efficient and smart inventory management. Linnworks boasts capabilities like:

  • Multi-channel synchronization: ensures real-time stock level updates across all selling platforms
  • Centralized inventory visibility: gives businesses a clear bird’s-eye view of their stock levels. 

Add to this a vast array of features like bulk listing, product bundling, and stock item linking, and it’s easy to see how Linnworks can seamlessly optimize your inventory processes. Want to check out more features, take a look. 

Automation with rules engine

Repetitive tasks can drain efficiency from an SCM strategy. 

But with Linnworks’ Rules Engine, these tasks are a thing of the past. This potent feature automates a myriad of functions based on predefined criteria. Whether it’s categorizing new stock items, flagging items for review, or any other inventory-related task, the Rules Engine handles it seamlessly. 

What’s more, its flexibility allows businesses to define their own rules, ensuring a tailored fit for unique operational needs. By automating the mundane, Linnworks lets businesses focus on what truly matters: strategic growth and customer satisfaction.

The Linnworks’ platform is a comprehensive solution, meticulously designed to address the multifaceted challenges and unearth the benefits of inventory management. 

With its arsenal of features and functionalities, businesses are well-equipped to navigate the dynamic terrains of supply chain management, ensuring efficiency, accuracy, and scalability at every juncture.

Want to learn more about how Linnworks can help you achieve your inventory management dreams and boost your supply chain? Take a quick (only 3 minutes) self-guided product tour. 

Inventory management in SCM FAQs

Why is inventory management important in SCM?

Inventory management is important in SCM as it ensures a balance between stock availability and demand, optimizing costs, and preventing disruptions. 

A well-managed inventory system enhances efficiency, boosts customer satisfaction by meeting their demands promptly, and maximizes profitability.

What is the main purpose of inventory management?

The main purpose of inventory management is to maintain an optimal stock level – ensuring goods are available for customers without tying up too much capital in excess stock. 

It also aims to streamline operations, reduce holding costs, improve inventory control, and improve cash flow.

What is the function of inventory in logistics and SCM?

The function of inventory in logistics and SCM is to serve as a buffer between production and consumption, ensuring smooth operations. 

In logistics and SCM, it helps to manage uncertainties, facilitate production processes, and meet fluctuating customer demands.

What is inventory management process?

The inventory management process involves ordering, storing, and using a company’s inventory, encompassing raw materials, components, and finished products. 

The process aims to have the right products in the right quantity at the right time, minimizing costs and maximizing sales.

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Claire Rhodes


Enthusiastic tech translator. Ecommerce storyteller. Claire has worked in the B2B SaaS and tech space for the last 6+ years. With a love for words, grammar and tech, she prides herself on her product know-how and the inner workings of the complex solutions her clients offer. When not crafting B2B tech content, Claire spends her time traveling around the world, freediving, scuba diving, and making friends with the local critters.