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Installing Linnworks on Windows 8

 Designed to work in a windows environment, Linnworks works in a Windows 8 environment quite happily. However, you may find that there a couple of extra steps involved when installing on Windows 8, owing to the different software components needed by Linnworks.

Initial Installation

(Please note that Internet Explorer 10 has a compatibility issue with the Linnworks homepage. Please download an alternate browser such as Chrome or Firefox to login to your account and download the client.)

  1. Download the Linnworks client installer. Log into your account at, select the ‘My Account’ button in the top right hand corner of the page, and clicking on the ‘Download and install’ button. 

  2. Run the client from the location you downloaded it to, in order to begin the first part of the installation.

  3. If asked by a User Access Control window if you want to allow the Linnworks Installer to make any changes to the computer, please answer ‘Yes’.


  4. When the ‘Preparing to install’ dialog box appears, you will be asked if you want to install the ‘Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework’. Please answer ‘Yes’, and allow that installation to proceed, before it returns to the Linnworks installer.


  5. You will then be returned to the Linnworks installer. Select ‘Next’ to continue.


  6. Please accept the License Agreement, by selecting ‘I accept the terms in the license agreement' (after reading them), and ‘Next’.


  7. Select ‘Install’ to continue.


  8. When the first part of the installation is complete, you can select ‘Finish’ to exit the initial installer.


Linnworks Local/Express Installation

Linnworks Local is no longer provided as a solution for new customers from 8th July 2013.

Please refer to the following documentation for Linnworks Anywhere
  1. Run ‘Linnworks Order Management’ from the Desktop or the Windows 8 Start menu. The shortcut will be to the far right after panning.

  2. If asked, answer ‘Yes’ if asked by User Access Control if you want to allow the ‘Linnworks Thin installer’ to make changes to your computer.

  3. Windows will ask if you want to install the feature ‘.Net Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)’. Please select the option ‘Download and install this feature’.


  4. When it reports that the feature was successfully installed, select ‘Close’ to continue.


  5. Re-open Linnworks, as in steps 1 and 2.

  6. Enter your registered email address and password, select ‘Next’ to continue.

  7. Select ‘Linnworks Local’ or ‘Linnworks Express’ as appropriate from the list to install the local database where the Machine will be acting as a database server. Otherwise select ‘Connect Linnworks on another PC’ if you already have a database server active, and skip steps 8 to 11. 

  8. Linnworks will begin downloading the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Installer. This may take several minutes.

  9. The ‘Program Compatibility Assistant’ will now be shown. Please select ‘Run the program without getting help’.


  10. The ‘Program Compatibility Assistant’ will be shown again, warning ‘This program has compatibility issues’. Please select ‘Run the program without getting help’. This is because it is unsupported on Windows 8. At this time we are aware of no issues when running SQL Server 2005 Express on Windows 8. 


  11. The ‘Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup’ will now run. The ‘Program Compatibility Assistant’ will be shown again, please select ‘Run the program without getting help’ again to continue running the SQL Server setup.


  12. Once the SQL Server setup has completed, the Linnworks installer will continue. When compete, you will see the ‘Success‘ Screen, select ‘Next’ to continue. 

  13. Complete your company details, tax and currency information. Select 'Next' to continue.

  14. Select ‘Finish’ to complete the installation, Linnworks should now start for the first time.

  15. If prompted, please install any available updates to Linnworks before logging in.

Linnworks Anywhere Installation

  1. Run ‘Linnworks Order Management' from the Desktop or the Windows 8 Start menu. The shortcut will be to the far right after panning.

  2. If asked, answer ‘Yes’ if asked by User Access Control if you want to allow the ‘Linnworks Thin installer’ to make changes to your computer.

  3. Windows will ask if you want to install the feature ‘.Net Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)’. Please select the option ‘Download and install this feature’.


  4. When it reports that the feature was successfully installed, select ‘Close’ to continue.


  5. Re-open Linnworks, as in steps 1 and 2.

  6. Enter your registered email address and password, select ‘Next’ to continue.

  7. Select ‘Linnworks Anywhere’ from the list to proceed. 

  8. Select ‘Finish’ when the ‘Initial Configuration is complete’ window is shown to continue.

  9. If prompted, please install any available updates to Linnworks before logging in.

    Common Errors

    1. If, when installing Linnworks Local/Express, you do not fill in Company details, location, Tax Rate and Currency, you may get an error message for the Installer, as below. Click on 'Quit', and Open Linnworks to continue.