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Emailing / Printing Purchase Orders

Emailing Purchase Orders

Clicking the Email button allows you to email the supplier with details of the Purchase Order. You can attach files to the email by clicking the Add Attachment link, which can be used to send the Purchase Order details in CSV and PDF formats. The email automatically picks up the email address of the supplier and adds it to the ‘To’ field.

 The email structure and content is defined by the Purchase Order email template, found under Settings > Email Notifications > Purchase Order email template. From here you can create a dynamic email template that populates the body and subject of the email with customisable Purchase Order details.

 You can use the Iteration and Data Inserts to create a dynamic template that displays the details from the Purchase Order in the exact way you want them to appear.

Clicking the Data Inserts button displays a list of Purchase order details that you can add to the email body and format appropriately.

The FOREACH Iteration can be used in conjunction with Purchase Order Item data inserts to display a list of details for all products in a Purchase Order. Simply place the Purchase Order Item data inserts between the ‘< >’ brackets.


Printing Purchase Orders

Clicking the Print button for a specific Purchase Order lets you print your Purchase Order or create a PDF of the order details for emailing to suppliers.

You can change the Purchase Order print template by going to Settings > Template Designer > Purchase Order and clicking the Edit button for the template you wish to edit. The Purchase Order print template can be edited in the same way as other templates, for which documentation can be found at here.