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Volusion - Payment Method Mapping

The Volusion Payment Method Mapping allows you to configure Linnworks to automatically map the payment method included in the Volusion Order to a corresponding payment method as setup in Linnworks when importing the order details. This means that Linnworks correctly identifies the payment method, and also makes that information available in reporting and data analysis later on.

Downloading CSV from Volusion

Currently the Volusion integration needs you to download a CSV file from your Volusion Admin account and load it into the Payment Method Mapping when it opens in order to map the methods.

1. Login to the Admin account for your Volusion store.

2. Click on 'Settings', then 'Payment'.


3. Select 'View List' on the right hand side of the screen.

4. Select 'Settings', then 'Customise Columns'.


5. Adjust 'Results per page' value to a number greater than the number of Payment methods in the list, so all are included on one page.

6. Click on 'Apply Changes'.

7. Select 'Settings', then 'Export Results'.


8. Enter a name to identify this export, such as 'PaymentMethods', and click 'Export.

9. Select 'Inventory' from the top menu, then 'Import/Export'.


10. Select 'Saved Exports' from the headings under 'Data Import'.


11. Click on the drop down box by 'Saved Queries', and select the name you specified. ('PaymentMethods')

12. Select 'CSV' from the 'File Format' drop down.

13. Click on 'Export' to produce the file. Click on the 'Download' button that appears to the right of the screen. The file will be downloaded by your browser to the default Download location.

Payment Mapping in Linnworks

1. After opening Linnworks, select the 'Settings' tab.


2. Select 'Channel Integration'.


3. Click on 'Config'.


4. Select the 'Payment Method Mapping' button to open the setup window.

5. In the column mapping window, you will see 2 column names, both 'Required'. They should be mapped, with values in the second column. Verify they match, and use the 'Preview' button if necessary, then click on 'OK' to continue.

6. The Window that follows will display the 'Tag', 'Service' and 'Linnworks Service' fields. The 'Tag' and 'Service' are values from Volusion. You can select the corresponding cell under 'Linnworks Service' to change the Payment Method Linnworks will allocate to orders from the channel with that Service.

7. Close the window when you have finished.