Salesforce is a cloud-based CRM company designed to improve customer relationships. While Salesforce does some inventory syncing, we’re excited to integrate with their powerful system (via DBSync) to offer you full control and transparency over your warehouse.
Reasons to adopt
Sync data
Merge Salesforce data between third-party integrations and SkuVault Core quickly and easily.
Track activity
Track sales activity, orders, and customers so you know the activity of your business holistically.
SkuVault Features
The Salesforce adapter enables software to replicate, integrate, and migrate to synchronize data across applications. With DBSync’s integration of Salesforce, you can sync orders, PO’s, and products and take advantage of some of SkuVault Core’s warehouse and inventory management features. When changes occur, SkuVault Core will push inventory adjustments to Salesforce and your other connected sales channels. With a data integration like this, your customer information is consistent and accurate.